March 29, 2012

RHOyal Blue and Gold

 RHOyal Blue and Gold Outfits
(This is only just the beginning . . .)

March 23, 2012 I finally completed my journey to sisterhood and became a member of the Alpha Mu Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. This day is among one of the best days ever. I had finally completed a journey that began over ten years ago when I was a undergraduate. A first generation college student, I wasn't exposed to Greek letter organizations until college. As my circle of friends grew, so did my exposure to Greek life but I still didn't quite understand the history, the importance, the legacy. As more and more of my friends and friends of friends joined Greek organizations, I unofficially started doing research. Why? What's the benefit? How did you choose? I remember having the typical non-Greek response "I'm not paying for any friends", "I already know enough people", "I have two sisters, why do I need anymore", and "I don't want to be associated with any organizations on this campus". I still remember the night I decided to take my research a little further and went online, looking at national websites, national initiatives, and trying to find pictures (this was long before Google, Facebook, and Twitter). The moment that I read about seven educators at a predominately white institution institution in the Midwest, I knew that SGRho was the only way for me. But as a first generation college student, I was also the very stereotypical, under prepared, at-risk, consistently in academic recovery student that ended up leaving college, without a degree.

After a year of challenges, that included becoming a single mom, working full-time, and losing my grandfather, I started taking classes at the local community college and eventually transferred to UNCG. Greek life was the last thing on my mind. I was on my grind just trying to finish school and survive for me and my son. I was reminded how short and precious life is during my last year of school when one of my sisters died in a car accident. I was also reminded of how true sisterhood comes through even without the letters as members of SGRho offered their love and comfort.

The years seemed to be on fast forward and  it seemed like I had just celebrated earning my bachelor's degree when I stepped on stage to receive my master's degree. I settled into family life, working full-time at UNCG and raising my son. But every year as I checked things off of my life to do list, I would come back to SGRho. I would email a contact, contact nationals, or send a Facebook message. A few times it seemed like things were finally in place only to fall apart again. But this year, this time all the stars must have aligned and my guardian angel must have been looking down from above, because after so many years of shoulda, coulda, woulda, I am finally a SIGMA. It's been less than a week, but I am ready for a lifetime of "Greater Service, Greater Progress" EEEEE-Yip!!


  1. Awww, looking good in that Rhoyal Blue and Gold!!! I loved reading your story!!! EEE-yip and welcome to the sisterhood sorhor!!!

  2. Awesome! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story!
